Custom American Ouverture

"When I was looking to replace my home practice instrument, I never thought I would look into getting a Viscount. The ONLY reason for that, was because of what I had heard people say about the sound quality, and the overall quality of the organs themselves. But, all of that was quite opposite in my experience with not only the dealer I worked with, but with the company, and product as a whole. Dan was the most helpful and informative person I have ever had the pleasure of working with as far as new organs go.
My instrument and my vision, was unique. We based my organ off the American Ouverture Model, but in hindsight, I ended up with a UNICO 500... almost, in a French Terraced console! With a high polished ebony finish and high polish white drawstops, the organ stands out among many that I have seen. I also have a 6.1 audio system with the organ, and I do plan to expand that system, once I have the space and a place for the speakers!
Physis, is revolutionary. I did not expect the organ to sound as good as it did. I went to play the organ at Christ the King Catholic Church, in Tampa FL. That organ was a hybrid UNICO 800. Dan pulled a few stops, and asked me "ok, pop quiz. Which is digital, and which is pipe" to which I answered "I cannot tell". I cannot thank Dan and Church Organ Works, as well as Viscount North America, and Viscount for helping this dream become a reality. With Viscount, you truly get "Your Organ, Your Sound".